The spell of sleep that was cast upon us as Ethiopian Kuwshites or original Egiptian Moors over 6000 years ago at the beginning of the first AH(moon) cycle with the creation of white magic. White Magic is another name for “The 6 Ether spirit forces such as sympathy, pity, apathy, jealousy dis-contentment, self defeat and inferiority complexes, white magic. These feelings which are within the hearts and minds of Blacks, were sent to them by Amam “Leviathan”. This means, although those negative spirit forces of “white magic” are within many of the “captives”, Blacks the Egiptian Moors, they work against “Blacks”, because they are allies of the “captor”. They really think they can trust Pa Tama’-Hu or ghost man. Although many captives negro or Necro “Dead” are willing helpers or allies of this 6-ether force, they will only be used by this force; for those that follow the white “ghost” image, are compelled to do the very things that are preventing their rise from their bondage. It is a very depressive position for a race of people to be in, having forces within self constantly working against ones self and kind. This force is called “Ra’a in the Hebrew Torah or Bible, the disagreeable or the negative side of will (Genesis 3:22); not to be mistaken for the Egiptian deity Re “Ra”, which represents the Sun or Universal Conscious. They tried to deceive you. The words look alike, but that is the position of the oppressed, and the only way to destroy the negative forces that maintain that position, is to destroy the negativity, and ignorance that those negative forces live and strive on, such as bright, light, and white magic. The acceptance of Right Knowledge is the solution, which leads of Right Thinking, and right thinking leads to right action, and breaking away from their fire forces. This is a spell of spiritual ignorance and racial blindness. For over 6000 years we’ve been in a coma state, amnesia, a sleep of conscious mind, lost in blind faith and beliefs with no facts and confirmations, hate for self and kind; not knowing who the evil one is, or his many shapes and forms. This spell is also enforced through the mediators which are known as television and newspapers that are controlled by the Tama’Hu. He does this by establishing how you as blacks should look, what you should wear, how you should feel, where you should go, where you should work, where and how you should spend your money, and what you should eat. Every other race in the world either specializes in manufacturing, or some kind of industry. What have we contributed? We’ll say “I know, Diamonds, silver and gold come from the motherland Africa”, however, after 1866, when diamonds were first discovered in South Africa and acknowledged as valuable you let foreigners come to mine these diamonds and take them from you. What we have to realize is that this society has moved into catering to private industry which is more concerned with big business, and international commerce. Our small ideas such as making some tee-shirts, opening up a barber shop, hair salons, doing some mix-tapes, all have no place in this ‘economical cycle of change’. We need to bring forth ideas, and not inventions; that can be taken away by the Patent Office. Ideas can yield inventions within you and will manifest by the things that you do. AMAM-Leviathan-which in Ashuric/Syraic(Arabic) is Levi(Lawiy) meaning “Law and Athan meaning ‘Sin’ who is Apep or Apophis Zuen as found in Judges 2:13 the Demon Deity, which gives you the “Law of Sin”. Leviathan was the laws of the sea that the Remusyanaat “Reptilians” lived by. These laws were named after the serpent “Ba Sata”, which is the giant sex and spirit force that they use in white magic to rule you; keeping you in captivity both mentally and physically. That’s why its time for you to awaken and the different forms of the ‘Spell’ needs to be broken.