Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is Wu-Nuwaupu?

What is Wu-Nuwaupu?
Have you heard of the good news?  Yes, it’s all good, yet have you heard of the Supreme News?  No, tell me, what is the Supreme News?  The Supreme News is called Wu-Nuwaupu.  It is the ancient spiritual science of all melaninated(darkest browns to lightest shades) 7-9 ether wooly haired people throughout the universe and is the only science which can place us in our right minds.  Wu-Nuwaupu existed before the flood of Noah and is therefore, the science of the original creative forces.  The teachings located in the temples of Djehuti(Thoth,Hermes) in ancient Tama-Re(Egipt, Khemet) became the basic doctrines of Eastern philosophical schools of thought(Tao-ism, Budhah-ism…etc) & the 3 monotheistic religions. The word Wu-Nuwaupu has its roots in the word NWB(blackness), where Nubia & Nubian find their origins.  From the Cuneiform(Nuwbun –before the light, presenter of news), you get Arabic(Nubuwa-prophethood, prophesy), & Hebrew(Nebuwah-a prediction, teaching).  Wu-Nuwaupu gets into some advanced mathematics and sciences.  It’s the key unlocking the Spell, for only those who will approach it with a sincere heart and open mind and controlled emotions Wu-Nuwaupu is Right Knowledge(first 4 letters of knowledge are K-n-o-w, its mental power with correct information), Right Wisdom(first 3 letters of wisdom are w-i-s, having the phonetics of the word wise, its knowing how and when to use knowledge), and a Right Overstanding(receipt of knowledge by the mind and is the unity of knowledge & wisdom) also the Science of Sound Right Reasoning(unshakeable facts and logic) and its followers are the sons and daughters of Sound Right Reason.  Many whom were reared in religion were bred to be believers. Belief is ignorance.  Belief is to ignore the facts intentionally or ignorantly.  If one has to believe, one does not know, and if one does not know, that is ignorance.  Hence, belief is ignorance and religious beliefs without the facts is ignorance; so demand that anyone attempting to impose their religious beliefs, they are to produce the facts.  The most deceptive word in religion is “believe” or “belief”, because a person can believe anything, and this means that person can believe, and be 100% wrong. Knowledge is knowing and knowledge is correct information.  “To know” gives ones confidence, yet belief infers doubt.  We are given knowledge in different forms everyday yet ask yourself, “Is it right knowledge?”  We descended from beings who were Supreme Scientists who had answers to questions that puzzled our top physicists and theologists.  This is your right to know too, so to exercise your right you must take the knowledge you are being fed and put it through three tests, 1- Experience, 2-Evidence, 3-Reason.  Right Knowledge is always logical and it reasons out.  One cannot always use the Experience test, because the Experience test is not practical for all knowledge.  The Evidence and Reason tests are those tests which are most often practical.  We have been placed under a Spell resulting in disunity amongst ourselves.  It’s difficult trying to unite people physically, without first uniting them mentally.  If you Nuwaupians, Blacks can achieve mental unity, you are automatically united physically.  A person talks and acts the way that he or she thinks, hence the results are ignorant thoughts or ignorant words or ignorant works.  If the minds of this kind are enslaved, then that kind of mind is enslaved no matter where it may be.  If the minds of this kind are free, the physical person or persons are free or will soon be free, because the mind is the control, and thereby determines the course the person or persons will take.  When the mind is out of order, the person is out of order.  When the minds of a Nation are divided, the physical persons are divided.  Common Sense is common knowledge meaning, knowledge that all people will overstand, accept, and unite their minds. The first step in Right Knowledge is called “Wu-NUWAUPU”.  There can be no mental unity as long as the spell of Leviathan “AMAM”, or spiritual ignorance is upon you.   Think about this: A white piece of paper without the black ink is blank.  Information comes with the black ink.  So, an attempt to remove Nuwaupians out of existence will remove all things out of existence.  We are Existence, always has and will be. Exist-N-Ce! We members of the Ancient Egiptian Order also, the Egiptian Church of Karast(Christ) Inc. invite all readers to e-mail with any questions or comments concerning anything written in this article or previous articles.  Please give your name & region you are from & your questions with answers will be posted to the best of our ability with the facts and nothing but the facts.  Remember, “Only a Fool ducks when the Truth is thrown at them” (saying of Rev.Dr.Malachi Z.York 33/720)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Where Did Religion Begin?

Question:  Where did Religion begin?
Answer:  The word Religion is from the Grk word ‘Threskeia’ meaning, “fearing, cry aloud”.  It started out as simple community disciplines given to you from the Anunnaqi(ancient Sumerian word), who are called in the Old Testament, Eloheem(in Hebrew) meaning “these beings”, in the New Testament Angelos meaning “angelic beings”, and in the Qur’aan, Malaa’ika meaning “messengers, angelic beings, rulers” who claimed you as their children (Gen 1:26), However, the Gargoyles who were malevolent beings, Reptilians, founded and established the religions here on Earth.  These Reptilians telepathically inspired certain individuals, to introduce from the Torah a code of Laws.  They organized these Religions to control the masses for thousands of years.  Originally it was the Torah, and then came the New Testimony then the Koran, each getting further away from the Truth and what was originally revealed and written.  Once the Spell of Kingu also called the Spell of Leviathan & the Spell of Sleep was cast, the text was manipulated & used to help enforce this spell which has you so spellbound.  You also must remember that Hinduism is the mother of all of these religions here on earth, & the Snake people or Reptilians known as the Ninga, & other demi or demon gods are revered throughout India!  Religion is a Spell because it keeps you thinking if you work hard until you die, pray to a Spook God, unseen or nothingness who’s in a place unconfirmed called heaven; who will give you no correspondence (meaning you will receive nothing until you die), you will then go to meet this God or Allah or Yahweh in a heaven & live happily ever after, and do nothing forever!  This is a Lazy person’s mentality & what Religious clergy teach will be your paradise.  Know that the helping hand you’re looking for is at the end of your own arm.  Religion has you believing in Spooks & Ghosts, when those whom you were made in the image and likeness of were physical beings.  It has you trapped in the mode of 1,2,3.  Everything is taught to you in series of threes, your ABC’s, 123’s your nouns: person, place, & thing;  the 3 little pigs, & the 3 bears, etc. for example:  3 dimensions(when there is more), the trinity, the Bible(based on God, the Devil, & Humanity), 1 being the Old Testament, 2 being the New Testament, & 3 being the Qur’aan, and a lifestyle concept of “a home, a job, & money in the Bank”.  Most people can’t conceive anything that does not fit in either of these categories.  This Spell was to keep you under control.  The Spell of Kingu was cast upon you Nuwaubian(Ptahites, Ethiopian-Kuwshites, etc.) everywhere.  It was commonly called the Spell of Leviathan(the Spell of Amam in Tama-Re, Egipt) & was cast by Zuen, also known as Shakhar, Tarnush, Iblyis, Enzu, Shaytaan & Satan, whom you are calling the Devil, 6000 yrs ago.  It’s being enforced through Religious propaganda that promotes scriptures, such as the Bible & the Koran, as Indisputable Sacred Books.  Leviathan(Levi “law” & Athan “sin”) is the force of trickery, deceptions, & hypocrisy.  Leviathan is also 6 Ether that is spirit fire that produces Ghost.
We members of the Ancient Egiptian Order also, the Egiptian Church of Karast(Christ) Inc. invite all readers to e-mail with any questions or comments concerning anything written in this article or previous articles.  Please give your name & region you are from & your questions with answers will be posted to the best of our ability with the facts and nothing but the facts.  Remember, “Only a Fool ducks when the Truth is thrown at them” (saying of Rev.Dr.Malachi Z.York 33/720)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


The spell of sleep that was cast upon us as Ethiopian Kuwshites or original Egiptian Moors over 6000 years ago at the beginning of the first AH(moon) cycle with the creation of white magic. White Magic is another name for “The 6 Ether spirit forces such as sympathy, pity, apathy, jealousy dis-contentment, self defeat and inferiority complexes, white magic.  These feelings which are within the hearts and minds of Blacks, were sent to them by Amam “Leviathan”.  This means, although those negative spirit forces of “white magic” are within many of the “captives”, Blacks the Egiptian Moors, they work against “Blacks”, because they are allies of the “captor”.  They really think they can trust Pa Tama’-Hu or ghost man.  Although many captives negro or Necro “Dead” are willing helpers or allies of this 6-ether force, they will only be used by this force; for those that follow the white “ghost” image, are compelled to do the very things that are preventing their rise from their bondage.  It is a very depressive position for a race of people to be in, having forces within self constantly working against ones self and kind.  This force is called “Ra’a in the Hebrew Torah or Bible, the disagreeable or the negative side of will (Genesis 3:22); not to be mistaken for the Egiptian deity Re “Ra”, which represents the Sun or Universal Conscious.  They tried to deceive you.  The words look alike, but that is the position of the oppressed, and the only way to destroy the negative forces that maintain that position, is to destroy the negativity, and ignorance that those negative forces live and strive on, such as bright, light, and white magic.  The acceptance of Right Knowledge is the solution, which leads of Right Thinking, and right thinking leads to right action, and breaking away from their fire forces. This is a spell of spiritual ignorance and racial blindness.  For over 6000 years we’ve been in a coma state, amnesia, a sleep of conscious mind, lost in blind faith and beliefs with no facts and confirmations, hate for self and kind; not knowing who the evil one is, or his many shapes and forms.  This spell is also enforced through the mediators which are known as television and newspapers that are controlled by the Tama’Hu.  He does this by establishing how you as blacks should look, what you should wear, how you should feel, where you should go, where you should work, where and how you should spend your money, and what you should eat.  Every other race in the world either specializes in manufacturing, or some kind of industry. What have we contributed?  We’ll say “I know, Diamonds, silver and gold come from the motherland Africa”, however, after 1866, when diamonds were first discovered in South Africa and acknowledged as valuable you let foreigners come to mine these diamonds and take them from you.  What we have to realize is that this society has moved into catering to private industry which is more concerned with big business, and international commerce.  Our small ideas such as making some tee-shirts, opening up a barber shop, hair salons, doing some mix-tapes, all have no place in this ‘economical cycle of change’.  We need to bring forth ideas, and not inventions; that can be taken away by the Patent Office.  Ideas can yield inventions within you and will manifest by the things that you do.  AMAM-Leviathan-which in Ashuric/Syraic(Arabic) is Levi(Lawiy) meaning “Law and Athan meaning ‘Sin’ who is Apep or Apophis Zuen as found in Judges 2:13 the Demon Deity, which gives you the “Law of Sin”.  Leviathan was the laws of the sea that the Remusyanaat “Reptilians” lived by.  These laws were named after the serpent “Ba Sata”, which is the giant sex and spirit force that they use in white magic to rule you; keeping you in captivity both mentally and physically.  That’s why its time for you to awaken and the different forms of the ‘Spell’ needs to be broken.